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Our Health

This research highlights the voices of African/Black communities, and the impact, resistance, and creative intervention strategies related to COVID-19, nationally and globally.

We are creating a community database that empowers and emancipates heterogeneous African/Black peoples and our communities by prioritizing our experiences and our stories in health research.

Your voice matters!

The BHM Newsletter

It Takes a Village!
You are a part of our village, so make sure your voice is heard!

How is the Data
Being Used?

The data from this research is being used to create an intersectional, anti-racist, anti-oppression, Black community health data base that will be used by Black led researchers and community members to share and develop empowerment-centred interventions and strategies to support African/Black communities during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.

Where was the Data Collected?

The data was collected by using two surveys on this website (Canada national survey and Global survey) and through focus groups across Canada. We used a secure online data collection software called RedCap Survey and online focus groups via Zoom, an online communications platform. All data collected is confidential and detailed information gathered will remain anonymous.

Choose Global Survey Language